Ebb & Flow - Yoga, Pilates, Barre & Reformer Studio in Farnham

We thought it would be a lovely idea to ask Dawn about her career, her family and how life has changed for her during her 27 years of being in the fitness industry.  Here’s her blog in her own words:

“I fell in love with the fitness industry in the late 80’s when I was heading out of my 20’s and leaving behind any dreams of being a professional dancer.  Inspired by Jane Fonda, I welcomed the opportunity to stay donned in a Lycra leotard and coordinated legwarmers, along with disco themed music whilst shouting out instructions such as ‘grapevine’, ‘box step’ and ‘jumping-jack’ whilst ‘going for the burn’!

I have continued my fitness career for over 27 years now, only slowing down and taking breaks in teaching to hand-rear 3 boys and that’s not an easy job as any mother of boys will tell you. Now in my mid to late, 50s I prefer to go more mindful than gung-ho in my practice so I spend my weekdays teaching my Pilates heart out on my mat at my favourite studios and with Pilates equipment such as the reformer as well as attending varied training courses to keep myself updated on the latest Pilates knowledge.

My weekends are equally special and well earned having taught around 20 sessions of classes and privates a week.  I like to spend them with my husband and 2 furry babies, my poodles, taking long walks on the beach, at my favourite uk destination, Poole and eating good food as natural and fresh as possible plus most definitely drink wine!


Everything in balance they say right? I don’t like to think of myself as virtuous as I certainly do love and enjoy life and all the pleasures that it brings.  I like to focus my passion for all things fitness and health towards inspiring others in moving well, in the best way that they can today, so that tomorrow we may all be stronger, better, fitter than we were the day before. Think of yourself like a swan, smoothly gliding along whilst pedaling fast under the surface!

I have never felt so young, strong, healthy and happy with a body that never lets me down that I can only attribute to respecting my body, moving every day and by the way it really doesn’t matter what modality you choose to do this, so long as you move and absolutely not accepting that I should behave, look or move in a certain way simply down to age.

Let me inspire you, teach you, guide you and motivate you to move more, move better and move forever!

See you on a mat real soon 😉

When is Dawn’s pilates foundations course ?

The course of 4 weeks starts on 8th November at 12.45pm until 2pm at Ebb&Flow studio, Farnham.  


When is Dawn’s Pilates Roller course ?

The course of 4 weeks starts on 7th November at 1.45pm until 2.45pm at Ebb&Flow studio, Farnham.