Ebb & Flow - Yoga, Pilates, Barre & Reformer Studio in Farnham

What is Forrest Yoga?

Forrest Yoga was devised by Ana Forrest.   So, no it’s not Yoga in a Forest like most people think! 

It’s a great style of yoga that helps us build flexible and stronger bodies while connecting to our authentic self. Ana Forrest who developed this style has suffered a lot of personal emotional trauma in her life and it is through her yoga that she found peace and healing.

Ana grew up in a home with physical and emotional abuse which led her to alcohol and substance abuse at the early age of four. As a result of this, she began suffering from epilepsy, migraines, paralysis and bulimia. Paradoxically, Ana turned this energy of suffering into healing energy. 

The Benefits of Forrest Yoga

Stress Relief :  This style of yoga, takes breathing techniques and makes them part of the routine helping to release stress. Through the studies of this style you will address compassion and self-acceptance so that you can accept who you are and connect to your true self.

Empowering and Self Support:  Forrest Yoga uses the deep breathing techniques in a sequence of repetitions which create heat in your body. This heat will cause you to sweat out all the toxins that are hiding in your body and letting the negative emotions disperse.

Great for Depression and Anxiety:  It brings a sense of healing to anyone practicing by giving them the tools they need to identify within themselves the things that may be hiding. Being able to understand your feelings gives you the necessary tools to find a way to reach a healthy solution for any emotional pain you could be suffering from. This style of yoga teaching can bring some relief to those that are dealing with any sort of depression or anxiety.

Detoxing: This style of yoga brings deep breathing exercises which build up heat in your body making it sweat and release all the toxins that have been stored. By gently stretching your muscles you are increasing the blood supply that is flowing throughout your body also helping rid those toxins out of your system. Getting rid of those toxins has been shown to slow down your ageing and to bring a sense of rejuvenation to your body.


Forrest Yoga Philosophy 

Breath – the feeling and power within the body to light up your passion for life.
Strength – to feel centred and strong within the core during intense asana/pose sequences.
Integrity – to be honest and learn self-awareness while working at the brink of your practice.
Spirit – to live intentionally and authentically with a sense of freedom.

Give it a try

Forrest Yoga which was designed by Ana Forrest is not just another way to add exercise into your day. This type of yoga will address the mental and emotional areas you may be avoiding. It will also connect you to a spiritual aspect of your life.  Given time and through practicing Forrest Yoga with a teacher trained in this style you will enable yourself to feel more in control of your emotions and rejuvenate your soul.

When can I meet Karl and try out Forrest Yoga?

Karl Williams is a yoga teacher from a super studio in Chichester, he has started a number of Forrest Yoga workshops at Ebb&Flow working on various areas of our bodies. 

The latest workshop focuses on the Hips, often super tight or over flexible which causes a host of issues in backs, shoulders, necks and legs.

It’s on the 23rdMarch 2019 at 12 noon for 2 hours at Ebb&Flow.  Why not book in for this workshop and spend time warming up the hips to help you get deeper and explore how you can feel happier and healthy in your body.   

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