Ebb & Flow - Yoga, Pilates, Barre & Reformer Studio in Farnham

‘Kundalini’ is a term to describe the ultimate life force.

It’s a component of the spiritual awakening process. Through Kundalini yoga, you work to awaken and release that energy to bring you to your higher self. It is a wonderful self-will practice where you generate energy and align to your potential; the Kundalini energy sits at the base of your spine and when released and utilised, this force and energy can be powerful enough to make things in your life flourish.

To view a sample of the workshop Roxy has recorded a little 1 min video for you to watch here below.

It is a rewarding practice that demands discipline and focus, which also makes it the perfect practice if you want to develop your meditation practice.

What to expect in a Kundalini class?

A kundalini class is typically comprised of three components; an opening chant that allows you to bring focus and tune in to your body and self. This is then followed by a kriya, ‘’an action’’. Practicing a kriya initiates a sequence of physical and mental changes that can affect the body, mind, and spirit simultaneously. A kriya is a series of postures, breath, and sound that works toward a specific outcome. This is then concluded by a closing meditation.

Is a Kundalini yoga practice for me?

If you want to develop self growth, increase your spiritual awareness or initiate a meditation practice then YES. It’s also a great way to develop your own meditation practice if you find you need to add a bit more structure or utilise more breathing techniques. No previous Kundalini experience is required.

Open your mind, find space to breathe and explore something new!