Ebb & Flow - Yoga, Pilates, Barre & Reformer Studio in Farnham

I’m known for…

…being a bit of a health nut / analytical straight-talking hippie-ish human! I am a Level 3 Qualified PT, Online Coach, and I spend the majority of my time running the Corporate Wellness Operations over at Ebb&Flow, working to deliver live streaming yoga, Pilates, fitness and barre classes to organisations like Bionic Energy, London Film School, Pfizer etc.

I studied French and Spanish at the University of Exeter, moving into a rigid corporate setting for the next 4 years in London, before realising I needed a change; of scenery, mindset and purpose. I left London to go travelling and spent the vast majority of that time outdoors; walking, hiking, swimming. I was naturally waking up and going to sleep without any alarms, and I felt more relaxed and happier than I ever have before.


Fast forward 12 months: I run my own coaching business whilst managing the day to day tasks at Ebb&Flow Corporate Wellness and can honestly say I spend my time doing something I genuinely love every single day. I get to work with the amazing core team at Ebb&Flow and am mainly behind the scenes organising schedules and creating content via our online platform EbbFlowYoga.TV, which is why you don’t often see me at reception!

I have recently been working hard to plan and deliver a full 6 part Sculpt Series that uses progressive programming to improve strength and proprioception (a combination of co-ordination and self-awareness) as well as a selection of quick and easy taster classes to spice up your fitness routine and hopefully instil in you some positive habits and consistency – please go ahead and give it go as I’d love to hear your thoughts!

My new full body warm up taster videos (5-10 mins each) are coming soon and will be added to EbbFlowYoga.TV so please use them to get the most out of your workouts, alongside core burners to help muscular endurance as well as mini stretch sessions that you can use to increase flexibility and cool down post HIIT!

It’s a good idea to intertwine movement and time in nature into our daily routine, of course stress should be kept to a minimum, and the online platform that we help to curate provides our community with the tools to achieve that.