Ebb & Flow - Yoga, Pilates, Barre & Reformer Studio in Farnham

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Florence Breeze

Yin, Hatha

Florence is originally from France, she started her yoga practice in 2012 when she stepped into a 40 degrees heated Bikram yoga class room not knowing what she was in for.  After her first practice straight away her sleep improved, she also found new strength, grounding, discipline and Self Love. Her life was forever transformed, from inside out.


Florence is originally from France and has started her yoga practice in 2012 when she stepped into a 40 degrees heated Bikram yoga class room not knowing what she was in for. She was wearing warm tracksuit bottoms, a rather thick T-Shirt and giggled during the breathing exercises. Yet, she instantly fell in love with the intense cleansing and purifying effects of hot yoga. 

Not only had her sleep improved from day one, but she also found new strength, grounding, discipline and Self Love. Her life was forever transformed, from inside out.

There was no other outcome for her but to take on the joy and responsibility of spreading the deep love and light of yoga to others. In November 2014 she flew to Bali to complete her RYT250.

As we all strive for balance, years later Florence found new healing virtues as she committed herself to a weekly yin yoga practice. She trained in this style of yoga earlier than she intended to at first as she had the opportunity to follow Bernie Clark’s RYT50. She since humbly teaches Yin with a deeper awareness of the subtle body.

In her classes Florence prioritizes the breath, with a focus on technique in hatha underpinned by compassion and discipline throughout.