Ebb & Flow - Yoga, Pilates, Barre & Reformer Studio in Farnham

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Malcolm Murray


Malcolm’s yoga journey started as a mid life crisis to find flexibility for his ageing body! That’s what he told us when we asked him “what made you came to this path?”… To his delight it has done so much more for him than that.  Yoga for Malcolm has become a physical, mental and spiritual practice for his own maintenance of his well-being.  

Malcolm’s Bio:

Malcolm’s yoga journey started as a mid life crisis to find flexibility for his ageing body! That’s what he told us when we asked him “what made you came to this path?”… To his delight it has done so much more for him than that.  Yoga for Malcolm has become a physical, mental and spiritual practice for his own maintenance of his well-being.  

He’s excited at the possibility of sharing his passion for yoga with others in his classes.  Malcolm is a psychotherapist in his day to day job, working in Farnham and much further afield.  It has to be said, that we are that little bit extra proud, because Malcolm attending one of our first Yoga Teacher Training courses, he smashed it of course and we’ve had our eye on him for a while!  He’s been practising at the studio as a student since the beginning in 2017.  

Malcolm is delighted with the positive impact that becoming a yoga teacher has had on his therapy practice, such a brilliant extra tool to his life at all levels and he’s eager to continue this journey of discovery.